9. Accounting
9.3. Check Register
9.2.1. Create New Accounts
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9.3. Check Register

To access your Check Register to view the checks that you have generated, click on the Check Register menu option under the Accounting menu.

Image CheckRegisterMenu.JPG

Click on the Check Register menu option to display your check register.

Image CheckRegister.JPG

All checks that you have generated from DealerChoice will appear in the Check Register. You can view checks generated for each Current Asset account that has been flagged as an account that you will write checks from by selecting the appropriate account in the drop down selection arrow in the 'Account' field on the upper right of the Check Register window.

Check Register Icons Description
New Entry To create a manual check, click on this icon.
Search Check Register To search your check register, click on this icon.
Export to spreadsheet To export your check register to a spreadsheet.

New Check Entry

To create a manual check, click on the New Entry icon in the Check Register window to open the New Check Entry window.

Image CheckRegisterNewCheck.JPG

New Check Register Input Fields Description
Check Number * Enter the check number to be used for this check. This number must match the number of the check stock form that will be used to print the check on.
Payee * Enter the first few characters of the payee's name and any matches found in the database will be listed below this field. Click on your selection form the list displayed.
Remit To The Remit To data will be populated from the payee address information in the database. This is a test input field so you can change the address if desired.
Cash Account * Select the appropriate current assets account that the check will be written against. To be able to write a check from a current assets type account, the account must be flagged as an account that you will write checks from.
Expense Account * Select the account from your Chart of Accounts that this check is to be expensed against. There is a drop down selection arrow that you can click on to see a list of your accounts. Select the account from this list or enter the account number or account name. Any matches found in the Chart of Accounts will be displayed, select you account from the list displayed.
Check Amount * Enter the amount of the check.
Check Date * Enter the date of the check.
Memo The memo field is optional, but it is strongly recommended that you enter a memo when creating a manual check to help you identify what the check was created for.
Save Entry Button Click on the Save Entry button to save your check date. After saving your check, the new check will appear in the check register for the Cash Account selected.

After saving your new check entry, it will appear in the check register for the cash account that was selected.

Image CheckRegisterNewCheckSaved.JPG

The example above shows a new check entry number 1003 created for the vendor Dauphin in the amount of $500.00. The check entry has been saved to the register and it can now be printed on your check stock by clicking on the printer icon to the left on the check number in the register. This will open the Print Checks window and will display a PDF image of your check. You can save the PDF file to your computer or you can select a printer that contains the correctly numbered check stock and print the check on your check stock paper.

9.3. Check Register
9. Accounting
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9.2.1. Create New Accounts
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10. Reports